FASS | The Swedish medicine compendium. |
GS1 | GS1 is an international not-for-profit association with member organisations in over 100 countries. The GS1 standards, e.g. GTIN, are the most widely used supply chain standards in the world. www.gs1.se or www.gs1.com |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number – a global standard for article numbering administered by GS1. Consists of 13, maximum 14, digits on the format company´s prefix + serial number + check digit. Can be presented in a barcode for automatic reading. |
Lif | Läkemedelsindustriföreningens Service AB, Lif, is the trade association for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden. www.lif.se |
LiiV | Supplier information in the VARA register. The Swedish eHealth Agency is responsible for the development and administration of the product and article register LiiV and VARA |
LV | Läkemedelsverket (MPA – Medical Product Agency) |
MAH | Marketing Authorisation Holder |
MPA | Medical Product Agency (LV – Läkemedelsverket) |
Marketer | Company that represents the product (often the same as MAH) |
National article number | A six-digit code (200000-369999 and 600000-999999) used for articles, which are not human or veterinary medicines. The same article number can be used for different articles in different Nordic countries. |
NNC | The administration of the Nordic Article Number system is under responsibility of the Nordic Number Centre (NNC), located at Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd (PIC) (Lääketietokeskus Oy), Helsinki, Finland. vnr@vnr.fi |
Nordic Article Number | Vnr – a six-digit identification code (000001-199999 and 370000-599999) for a specific article of medicine with marketing authorisation in the Nordic countries. A Vnr is given to all human and veterinary medicines. It enables a simple verification of articles at all distribution stages. |
NPL id | An identification code for a product. It is generated and administered by MPA. |
NPL pack id | An identification code for an article. It is generated and administered by MPA. |
NTIN | National/Nordic Trade Item Number – Before February 2019 used instead of GTIN for pharmaceuticals in the Nordic countries. Same format as GTIN (13, maximum 14, digits) but with a fixed prefix and a Vnr instead of an article reference number. Format: prefix of Nordic Number Centre (704626) + Vnr + check digit Since February 2019 no new NTINs are created. If an old NTIN is unique it can still be used, but it must follow the rules of a GTIN and thereby be changed according to the GTIN guidelines. |
OTC | Pharmaceuticals available without a prescription. |
PIC | Pharmaceutical Information Centre – http://www.laaketietokeskus.fi/en |
Rx | Pharmaceuticals only available with a prescription |
Sil | Svenska Informationstjänster för läkemedel |
SKR | Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) – Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (SKR) |
TLV | Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket – Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, administers the prices in the reimbursement system. |
Vnr | Nordic Article Number – a six-digit identification code (000001-199999 and 370000-599999) for a specific article of medicine with marketing authorisation in the Nordic countries. A Vnr is given to all human and veterinary medicines. It enables a simple verification of articles at all distribution stages. |
VARA | The national product and article register for all pharmaceuticals, and consumer products within the reimbursement system. VARA is administered by the Swedish eHealth Agency www.ehalsomyndigheten.se |