
Country specific information: SWEDEN

GS1 GS1 is an international not-for-profit association with member organisations in over 100 countries. The GS1 system of standards, e.g. GTIN, is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. or
GTIN Global Trade Item Number – a global standard for article numbering administered by GS1. Consists of 13, maximum 14, digits on the format company´s prefix + article reference number + check digit. Can be presented in a barcode for automatic reading.
MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder
Marketer Company that represents the product (often the same as MAH)
National article number A six-digit code (200000-369999 and 600000-999999) used in the pharmacies for articles, which are not human or veterinary medicines. The same article number can be used for different articles in different Nordic countries.
NNC The administration of the Vnr system is under responsibility of the Nordic Number Centre (NNC), located at Pharmaca Health Intelligence, Helsinki, Finland.
Nordic Article Number Vnr – a six-digit identification code (000001-199999 and 370000-599999) for a specific article of medicine with marketing authorisation in the Nordic countries. A Vnr is given to all human and veterinary medicines. It enables a simple verification of articles at all distribution stages.
NTIN National/Nordic Trade Item Number – Used instead of GTIN for pharmaceuticals in the Nordic countries. Same format as GTIN (13, maximum 14, digits) but with a fixed prefix and a Vnr instead of an article number. Format: prefix of Nordic Number Centre (704626) + Vnr + check digit
OTC Pharmaceuticals available without a prescription.
Rx Pharmaceuticals only available with a prescription
Vnr Nordic Article Number – a six-digit identification code (000001-199999 and 370000-599999) for a specific article of medicine with marketing authorisation in the Nordic countries. A Vnr is given to all human and veterinary medicines. It enables a simple verification of articles at all distribution stages.

Country specific information: SWEDEN